Lectures and Residencies
Please visit the contact page to book lectures, residencies, and masterclasses or online lectures.
Image Credit: Lisa-Marie Mazzucco
Atlantic Brass Quintet Seminar
Atlantic Music Festival
Aspen Music Festival and School
Augustana College
Avaloch Farm Music Institute
Christopher Newport University
Cleveland Institute of Music
College Music Society (CMS) Northeast Chapter (Featured Speaker)
Cornell University
Curtis Institute of Music
Danbury Music Centre
Denver University
Eastman School of Music, Institute for Music Leadership
Florida Gulf Coast University
Hartt School, The
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music (Featured Guest Composer)
Indiana State University (Featured Festival Guest Composer)
Ithaca College School of Music
James Madison University
Keene State College
Kutztown University
Lafayette College
Louisiana State University (LSU)
Lunigiana International Music Festival: Italy
Luzerne Music Center
MacDowell Colony, The
Middlebury College
Middle Tennessee State University
Mostly Modern Festival: Saratoga Springs, New York
Mostly Modern Festival: The Netherlands
New York University
Point Counterpoint: New Music on the Point
Regis University
Rivers School, The
Rocky Ridge Music Center
Rutgers University
Sarah Lawrence College
Syracuse University
University of California, Berkeley
University of Colorado Boulder
University of Houston
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
University of Texas at Austin: Butler School of Music
University of Vermont
Vanderbilt University Blair School of Music
Vermont College of Fine Arts
Walden School, The
Western Connecticut State University
Zodiac Music Academy & Festival: French Alps
“Rob, thanks so much again for taking the time to meet with the students. That was exactly what I was hoping it would be! Actually, most of them told me afterwards that they learned more in that lunch than in everything else put together that they experienced in their visit to New York City.”
“The undergrads that attended your master class were so impressed. I struggled to decide if I should require it, (they need such care each week and are so busy), but I am so glad I did. They appreciated your technical advice and bigger observations. You paced it beautifully. They only hear stuff after they trust, and they trust what you said. The combination of your very real professional conversations and astute musical advice made for a wonderful residency. In CF, you challenged students to make a pitch which we attempted to do from day one. A few have gone on to craft their own pitches that you very much inspired with poise and a concise message. We hope to perform more of your music and continue many future collaborations! The LSU composers that have attended MMF and were touched by you this spring have been better for it.”
“I really appreciate it that you were able to be here to work with our students—we all had a great time performing your music!!!”
“Robert’s presentation on “Career Success Outside Academia” was energetic, engaging, and highly relevant for our students.”
“‘Twas great to have you here! Everyone really got a lot out of you and your career path/story.”
“Robert Paterson gave an insightful and good-humored talk for the composition department at Rutgers University. He spoke eloquently about his creative work as well as his philosophy on a career in music, both of which are equally valuable to emerging composers.”
“Dr. Robert Paterson’s masterclass was not only a fresh disembark from the monotonous rigors of the academy but was also filled with the much-needed information all emerging young artists need to hear. With his untraditional path post-higher education, the lessons and wisdom Dr. Paterson has to share are crucial and uncommon in the music classroom. From his experiences forming his own ensemble, record labels, summer music festivals, and a prolific composition schedule, his masterclass was not just a necessary learning experience but also an inspiring moment for all young composers.”
“...you gave me one of the best ‘composing for percussion’ what the hell were you thinking bitch slaps ever! Percussionists love playing my stuff now, and I owe some of it to you and your up front honesty.”
“The students got a lot out of your talks and masterclass... I’m also glad we got to program a few of your other pieces—wish we could have done more!”