for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, percussion and piano
Written: 2014
Duration: ca. 12'
Instrumentation: flute (doubling piccolo and blender), B-flat clarinet (doubling B-flat bass clarinet and blender). violin (doubling coffee grinder), cello, percussion (see Percussion Instrumentation below), and piano
Percussion Instrumentation: vibraphone, crotales (high and low octaves), orchestra bells, concert bass drum, kick bass drum, 4 tom-toms, large tam-tam, medium suspended cymbal, medium sizzle cymbal, large china cymbal, 2 one-handed slapsticks, kitchen sink basin, metal kitchen grater, 5 graduated cast-iron skillets (frying pans), 3 stainless steel mixing bowls, 3 Pyrex glass storage bowls, 2 wooden serving spoons, 2 balloon-shaped metal wire whisks, misc. mallets, bows, and beaters. See the score for kitchen appliance and instrument specifications.
Commissioned by The Utah Arts Festival as the result of winning the 2014 Utah Arts Festival Chamber Ensemble Composer Commission Competition
World Premiere: Vertigo Ensemble, Utah Arts Festival, June 28, 2014.
Other Performances: American Modern Ensemble, Mostly Modern Festival, Atlantic Music Festival New Music Ensemble, Society for New Music (Syracuse)
Publisher: Bill Holab Music
View Score | Buy Sheet Music | Buy Kitchen Items*
*This links to a list of ideal kitchen appliances, bowls, skillets, etc. needed for Hell's Kitchen that are available via Amazon USA. The blenders and coffee grinder models and brands do not have to be exact, they are just known work well. If possible, the skillets and bowls should be these exact models, sizes, and brands, since those produce pitches or near pitches needed in the piece.
After having written several works with references to apparitions and the underworld (Ghost Theater and Closet Full of Demons, for example), I realized that inspiration for a third work in this gruesome series exists right here in my own backyard: Hell’s Kitchen, my neighborhood in New York City.
Several competing legends attempt to explain how Hell’s Kitchen acquired its gritty, colorful name, but there’s no dispute as to why. From the mid-1800s to the 1980s, it was known for its tenement buildings, streetwalkers and speakeasies, slaughterhouses, deeply violent gangs, gruesome murders, mysterious disappearances and even ghosts. Today, realtors and some non-natives call it Clinton or Midtown West, and it is known for its Off Broadway theaters, an abundance of chic restaurants, luxury condominium towers and even as the name of a reality TV cooking competition show. However, locals still steadfastly call it Hell’s Kitchen, and are proud that the neighborhood has become a veritable culinary and cultural melting pot.
In Hell’s Kitchen, I use the imaginary sounds of a fast-paced restaurant kitchen in hell as a point of departure, complete with loud, grinding effects produced by musical instruments and the sounds of kitchen tools and appliances. The percussionist plays a central role, using a metal grater like a güiro (an effect suggested to me by my son Dylan while walking down 9th Avenue) and uses wooden spoons like drumsticks on pots and pans, while other players are called upon to use kitchen gadgets and appliances for percussive effect. The entire work is meant to give the feeling of being in the middle of a kitchen in hell.
Press Quotes
“Hell’s Kitchen evokes the frenetic rush that ensues during the 30 minutes before the guests arrive for a dinner party. In addition to acoustic instruments, the work calls for blenders, coffee grinder, cheese grater, wooden spoons, and Pyrex and metal bowls. Conductor Pablo Devigo led [the CIM New Music Ensemble in] a tight performance of the fun work. Percussionist Hector Flores outdid himself playing precise rhythms on everything he could shake a stick at, including the kitchen sink.”
“...included everything AND a kitchen sink (ripped from its frame and hanging over the marimba). Methodically and with not a little gleeful intensity, the group made their way through a chuffing steam-train theme, a lively chase scene and horror-stricken tritones punctuated by brief moments of relatively less unease.”